Made by water enthusiasts.
For everyone.

We're just as passionate about watersports as you. We understand that it's more than just a hobby - it's a lifestyle. For that reason we developed the KNARR mobile application that makes sure that safe and memorable boating experiences are available to everyone.


Don't own a boat of your own?

You don't need a boat to get out on the water with Knarr.

With the KNARR app you can quickly and easily rent a boat and necessary equipment from an owner near you. Less hassle, less money, more fun.
Renting with Knarr

Already own a boat?

Let your boat pay for itself.

Let´s face it - boats are expensive. So instead of working for your boat, make your boat work for you. When you're not out on the water you can rent out your equipment to KNARR users through our app. Boom, owning a boat just became way easier to justify.
Loaning your equipment

Plus features to keep you safe

Forgot your drain plug? Ran out of gas or broke down? KNARR users can send out a distress signal to other boaters, alerting them of your situation and location, allowing you to get help faster.

Share with us your #KnarrMoment

What's your favorite experience on the water? The memory that you'll never forget? For us it's those moments when we landed our first wakesurf 360, or watched our 75-year old grandfather get up and water ski for the last time, or that one fiery sunset over the lake that topped off a perfect day. Those are all a #KNARRMoment, and we want to know what yours are, and help you have more! Share a picture of those experiences with us on Instagram using the hashtag #KNARRMoment so we can see what you've been up to!